24 November 1948
Vuminkosi Zulu was born in Mapumulo, Natal on 24 November 1948.He studied art at Rocke’s drift art school and completed his course in 1972. He decided to stay on as a resident artist until 1974. Zulu is famous for his etchings and wood carvings. His famous woodcarving work titled the Battle of Isandlwana won him praise and a sculpture award. Zulu had the ability to capture emotions such as loneliness or fear in his etchings. His work can be found in many collections locally and abroad. Zulu died in 1996.

Scott-Berning, G., (2011). ‘Vuminkosi Zulu (1948 - 1996)’ from LifeWithArt [online] Available at www.lifewithart.com  [Accessed 27 October 2011]|South African History Online (2011). ‘Vuminkosi Zulu’ from South African History Online, Available at www.sahistory.org.za  [Accessed 27 October 2011]