(Left) The first Chinese Consul-General in Johannesburg, Lew Yuk Lin, with daughter and consular staff outside his Hospital Hill residence, which reputedly enjoyed a sweeping view of Johannesburg and its gold mines to the south (Right).
The first Consul-General in Johannesburg was Lew Yuk Lin, a man of impeccable credentials and an accomplished linguist. He arrived in May 1905 with his youngest daughter, May, as well as consular staff. The family was housed in a two-storey mansion on Hospital Hill.Image 6 of 38
The first Consul-General in Johannesburg was Lew Yuk Lin, a man of impeccable credentials and an accomplished linguist. He arrived in May 1905 with his youngest daughter, May, as well as consular staff. The family was housed in a two-storey mansion on Hospital Hill.Image 6 of 38
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