Published date
7 September 1997
Mobutu Sese Seko (66), former president of Zaire, died from prostate cancer while in Rabat, Morocco, three months after the end of his nearly 32-year reign. Sese Seko was exiled to Rabat after he was ousted from power by Laurent Kabila's rebel movement, the Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Congo-Zaire.
Click here to read an article about the current conflict in Congo.
Wallis, F. (2000). Nuusdagboek: feite en fratse oor 1000 jaar, Kaapstad: Human & Rousseau.|
CNN,'Mobutu dies in exile in Morocco', [online], Available at www.cnn.com [Accessed:03 September 2013]|French Howard W. (1997), 'Mobutu Sese Seko, Zairian Ruler,Is Dead in Exile in Morocco at 66',in The New York Times, 08 September, [online], Available at www.nytimes.com [Accessed: 06 September 2013]