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ANC attacks Koeberg nuclear power station

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19 December 1982
In a well-planned attack on the Koeberg Nuclear Power Station in Cape Town, Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK) causes heavy damage with no injuries, reported.MK sabotaged the Koeberg plant, at the time Africa's only nuclear reactor plant to dispel allegations that the ANC and MK existed only in neighbouring countries. It also saluted all its  fallen heroes and imprisoned comrades, including those that were buried as a result of the Maseru massacre, following a raid by the South African Defence Force (SADF), and it once more warned foreign investors against investing in Apartheid South Africa.

Kalley, J. A. et al (1999). Southern African Political History: A Chronology of Key Political Events from Independence to Mid-1997, Greenwood: London, p. 480.|

Mail & Gurdian, How we blew up Koeberg, [Online],Available ,[Accessed:27 November 2013]

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