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Andre Botha, South Africa’s bodyboarding champion saves a life

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Last updated

8 December 2015
Andre Botha won the Global Organisation of Bodyboarders World Tour Title in 1998, and in the next year the World Bodyboarding Championships at Banzai Pipeline in Hawaii.[i] He became the youngest ever winner of the Banzai Pipeline Championships, as well as the youngest bodyboarding world champion.[ii] On 8 December 2015, Andre rescued an American surfer by the name of Evan Geiselmann from drowning whilst surfing the Pipeline reef, situated along Hawaii’s North Shore.[iii] Evan Geiselmann was rendered unconscious when he struck his head during the life threatening wipeout.[iv] Video footage showed Andre helping Evan by preventing him from drowning[v] by performing CPR in the water.[vi] Lifeguards assisted Andre in getting Evan out of the sea water and immediately took him to Queen’s Medical Centre, where Evan made a full recovery.[vii] Australian World Champion surfer Mick Fanning was also involved in the rescue efforts.[viii] End Notes [i] David van Lill, Van Lill’s South African Sports Trivia (Cape Town: Zebra Press, 2005), p. 237. ↵ [ii] David van Lill, Van Lill’s South African Sports Trivia (Cape Town: Zebra Press, 2005), p. 237. ↵ [iii] Watch: SA bodyboarder rescues surfer from watery grave, (8 December 2015). ↵ [iv] Watch: SA bodyboarder rescues surfer from watery grave, (8 December 2015). ↵ [v] Watch: SA bodyboarder rescues surfer from watery grave, www.thesourcemagazine.org  (8 December 2015). ↵ [vi] Watch: SA bodyboarder saves drowning US surfer,  (9 December 2015). ↵ [vii] Watch: SA bodyboarder rescues surfer from watery grave, (8 December 2015). ↵ [viii] Watch: SA bodyboarder saves drowning US surfer, (9 December 2015). ↵

Andre Botha, (11 March 2017).|David van Lill, Van Lill’s South African Sports Trivia (Cape Town: Zebra Press, 2005), p. 237.|Muhlenberg, D.: Dre 2.0, ()|Smith, J.: So, who is Andre Botha?, (11 March 2017).|Watch: SA bodyboarder saves drowning surfer US surfer, (9 December 2015).|Watch: SA bodyboarder rescues surfer from watery grave, (8 December 2015).

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