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The UN Special Committee on Apartheid reports on SA

The UN Special Committee on Apartheid reports on SA

Published date

Last updated

16 September 1963
The final report of the United Nations Special Committee on Apartheid, released on this date, gave a detailed review of developments in South Africa's racial policies since 6 November 1962. The report was unanimously approved and published on 18 September 1963. The Special Committee against Apartheid was established by the General Assembly - under resolution 1761 (XVII) of November 6, 1962, with a view to keep the racial policies of the South African Government under review throughout the year. When Western powers at first boycotted the committee and declined to join it, the president appointed the following eleven members: Algeria, Costa Rica, Ghana, Guinea, Haiti, Hungary, Malaya (later Malaysia), Nepal, Nigeria, Philippines and Somalia. The committee began its work in April 1963. Its prime concern was to press for effective international sanctions against the South African government; arrange assistance to the victims of apartheid and to the liberation movements; and to ensure constant publicity to the inhumanity of apartheid and the resistance of the people in order to secure the widest support for action.

Kalley, J.A.; Schoeman, E. & Andor, L.E. (eds) (1999). Southern African Political History: a chronology of key political events from independence to mid-1997, Westport: Greenwood.|

united nations,' United Nations Special Committee on Apartheid ',[online],Available at[Accessed: 12 September 2013]


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