Published date
1 August 1936
In 1934, General James Barry Munnik (JBM) Hertzog, prime minister of South Africa, ordered an official investigation into all aspects of Broadcasting in South Africa. The investigation ultimately led to the formation of the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC), under Act 22 of 1936. The broadcasts of the African Broadcasting Company (ABC), which was formed in 1927, ceased and the broadcasts from the newly formed SABC began. At first the new National Service broadcasted only in English. However, the Act stipulated the inauguration of a parallel Afrikaans Service. In 1937 comprehensive transmissions in both official languages became a reality as the "A and B Programmes" were developed and showcased.
Burger, D. (ed)(2002). South Africa Yearbook 2001/02, Pretoria: GCIS, p. 122; Swart: Afrikaanse Kultuuralmanak.