Published date
10 June 1929
Andries Gerhardus Visser was born on 1 March 1878 on the farm Zaaifontein, in the district of Fraserburg, South Africa. Visser attended the Huguenot Memorial School in the Cape Province and later the Normaal College in Cape Town where he studied education. In April 1901, Visser was arrested for voicing support for the Northern provinces such as the South African Republic and the Orange Free State in their struggle against the British. Visser later left teaching and enrolled at Edinburg College in Scotland to study medicine.
In 1918, he became a member of the Heidelberg Afrikaans and Theatre Association as well as a member of the city council. Visser is considered quite important in the development of the Afrikaans language through his poetry, which was considered to be playful and satirical especially toward the Afrikaner sense of decorum. While he is not considered as being part of the first Afrikaans movement, it is generally considered that his works is considered the last notable works of Afrikaans authors who lived before 1930. Visser passed away on the 10 June 1929 after suffering a heart attack. He was buried in Heidelberg next to his first wife, the love of his life and the subject of one of his most famous poems titled 'Laetitia"
Gauteng Heidelberg ”“ best of country living [online] Available at: www.gauteng.net [Accessed on 10 June 2013]