The Prisoners, Gerard Sekota. Sex and Sedition. The South African Police, Harry Bloom. Cartoon, David Marais. The Press: Strijdom’s “Last Barrier”, George Clay and Stanley Uys. Race Zoning in Cloud Cuckoo Land, Leo Kuper. The Ghetto Act, Yusuf Cachalia. The Schizophrenic Heart, Dr. O.D. Wollheim. The Trial Takes Shape, Tony O’Dowd. A Day to Remember, Christopher Gell. Portrait of a Suburb: Hillbrow, Arnold Benjamin. South West Africa by Jariretunda  Kozonguizi. The Challenge of Federation, Hon. A. Creech Jones. Kampala Diary, M.M. Carlin. Israel and Africa, E. Ben-Horin. Towards an African Literature ii, Dr. A.C. Jordan. Anglo-Saxon Dreams, Michael Picardie. High Fence, Michael Fisher. Tennant Street, Cape Town, William Papas. Out of the Darkness, Alex La Guma. Book Reviews, Julius Lewin, Ray Alexander, J.D. du P. Basson, Foxe-Pitt. Occasional Sketches, William Papas.