1. What the Revolutionary Oracle Taught Me by Fred Khumalo, delivered at the Fifth Mafika Gwala Lecture, 31 October 2019 | Article, Speeches and Public Statements
  2. Webinar Programme: Socialism, Culture and Networks. Convenor: Omar Badsha | Official Document - Conference Paper
  3. The Colors of Resistance in Apartheid South Africa: Black Consciousness Poetry and the Racial Elusiveness of Wopko Jensma | Article
  4. Some Aspects of Black Culture and its Value in the Black World by Strini Moodley | Article
  5. Solidarity | Journal
  6. Review of Neville Alexander’s Book: “One Azania One Nation” by I.B.Tabata, 14 March 1980 | Book Review
  7. Lessons from Black Wednesday by Jerome Klaaste, 18 October 2019 | Article
  8. Interview with Oliver Tambo in Luanda after summit meeting of Presidents of frontline states and Southern African Liberation Movements, 01 March 1977
  9. Ikwezi - Number 13, October 1979 | Journal
  10. Collaboration and Debate in the ‘Durban Moment’: Steve Biko, Richard Turner and the politics of Black Consciousness, 1970-1974 by Ian Macqueen, University of the Witwatersrand | Article
  11. Class versus Nation - A History of Richard Turner's Eclipse and Resurgence by Ian Macqueen | Article
  12. Black Consciousness, Black theology, student activism, and the shaping of the new South Africa by Professor N. Barney Pityana, 9 October 2012, South Africa
  13. Black consciousness and the land question by Pandelani Nefolovhodwe, 17 March 2015, South Africa
  14. Being-Black in the World by N.C. Mangayi
  15. Apartheid Super Spy, Craig Williamson’s Trails of Death and Destruction: The Scandinavian Connection, (Responses to recent exposures in Jyllands Posten) by Prithiraj Dullay | Article