Published date
23 June 1976
Council For the fifteenth time the United Sates (US) vetoed Angola’s application for membership of the United Nations Security Council. The move to prohibit Angola from becoming a member was prompted by the US’s concern over the “continuing presence of Cuban forces” in the country. The US was the only member that opposed Angola’s application. China abstained, accusing the Soviet Union of continued interference in Angola. Amongst the council members who voted for Angola to become a member were Britain, France, Libya, Italy, Tanzania, Japan, Panama, the Soviet Union, Romania and Guyana.
The Blade(1976), ‘U.S. Vetoes Angola’s Application For United Nations Membership’, 24 June, [online], available at https://news.google.com (Accessed: 22 May 2012)|The Blade, (1976), ‘Angola becomes U.N. Member; US abstain in voting’, 1 December, [online], available at https://news.google.com (Accessed: 22 May 2012)