Published date
8 September 1991
Thirteen people were killed and eighteen injured in an attack on Soweto residents after an Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) rally at Jabulani Stadium. In the ensuing battle between residents and Inkatha supporters, hand grenades were allegedly thrown into the crowd of Inkatha supporters, killing five. The other eight people were later killed allegedly by Inkatha supporters in retaliation. After various submissions by victims of the attack before the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), the commission found that the police were informed of the IFP's decision to hold a rally in Jabulani Stadium as well as fears of residents in Soweto relating to the rally. The police failed to direct that the marchers should travel on one route after the rally. Instead, IFP marchers were allowed to move freely, carrying arms along several routes from the stadium. In the aftermath of the march, IFP supporters attacked innocent residents, killing thirteen of them and injuring eighteen others. The police failed to take action to prevent these attacks. The commission found the IFP and the South African Police (SAP) responsible for gross human rights violations.
Coleman, M. (ed)(1998). A Crime Against Humanity: analysing the repression of the apartheid state, Johannesburg: Human Rights Committee.|
Regional Profile Transvaal. 1960 - 1975: Overview. Volume THREE Chapter SIX [Online].available at: www.stanford.edu [Accessed 04 September 2009]