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On 24 October 1958, South African storyteller Nokugcina Elsie Mhlophe known as Gcina Mhlophe was born in Kwazulu-Natal South Africa. She is most famous for writing both stories and music for children. Some of her work has been used in different schools and universities around the world. She also appeared on SABC television series called Gcina and Friends on SABC. In 1983 Gcina was a leading actress in a play called Umongikazi which later toured to England, Ireland, Holland and Switzerland. In 2010, she also represented South Africa in Egypt for the celebration of Arts and Culture. Her work plays a huge role in keeping history alive and encouraging children to read.
Gcina Mhlophe website,About Gcina Mhlophe,Url number https://www.gcinamhlophe.co.za/gcinamhlophe-about.html,Available at www.gcinamhlophe.co.za [Accessed: 4 September 2017] | South African History Online,Nokugcina Elsie Mhlophe,url number https://www.sahistory.org.za/people/nokugcina-elsie-mhlophe,Available at https://www.sahistory.org.za [Accessed: 4 September 2017]