Published date
31 January 1985
South African Foreign Minister, 'Pik' Botha denied South African support for RENAMO, claiming that the country is committed to the Nkomati Accord of 1984. The Nkomati Accord was signed by South Africa and Mozambique on 16 March 1984. The move followed talks between South African President, P.W. Botha and Samora Machel, the leader of the Mozambican government and Frente de Libertacao de Mozambique (FRELIMO). In this agreement both countries resolved not to harbour hostile forces or allow their countries to be used as launching pads for attacks on one another. Mozambique agreed to expel the African National Congress (ANC) from their country while South Africa agreed to cease its support for RENAMO, an anti-government guerrilla organisation in Mozambique.
O’Malley, P. ‘1985’, from Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory and Dialog, [online], Available at [Accessed: 21 November 2012]|South African History Online, ‘South Africa and Mozambique sign a non-aggression pact’, [online], Available at [Accessed: 23 November 2012]