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South Africa is told by IAEA to open all nuclear plants to international inspection

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28 September 1984
On 28 September 1984, the 266th plenary meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was held. In a summary document of the meeting entitled 'South Africa's Nuclear Capabilities', the IAEA stated that it was "Alarmed that South Africa's unsafeguarded nuclear facilities enable it to acquire the capability of producing usable material for nuclear weapons." In the same document, the IAEA also stated that it "Demands once again that South Africa submit immediately all its nuclear installations and facilities to inspection by the Agency and requests the Director General to continue taking the necessary measures in that connection." Earlier in the year, on 31 January 1984, South Africa had submitted a press release to the IAEA, with statement by Dr. J.W.L de Villiers, Executive Chairman of the Atomic Energy Corporation of South Africa Ltd. The press release was circulated in February 1984, and contained the following statement: "Although South Africa is not a signatory to Non-Proliferation Treaty, nor has it agreed to fullscope safeguards on all its nuclear facilities, South Africa is prepared to resume discussions with the International Atomic Energy Agency Secretariat on safeguards in respect of its semi-commercial enrichment plant but not its pilot enrichment plant. South Africa cannot, of course, agree to IAEA safeguards before greater clarity has been obtained on what would be expected of South Africa." The IAEA's insistence on conducting a search was evidently prompted by the above response, and in order to ensure that South Africa complied, South Africa faced sanctions by the IAEA. South Africa eventually dismantled its nuclear weapons program in 1989, and signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in 1991. Further reading: SAHO archive: 'From peaceful research to building the bomb' This day in history Archive: '16 September 1991 - SA signs Safeguards Agreement with the IAEA'

IAEA (1984) 'Communication received from South Africa' from IAEA website, February 1984 [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 September 2010]|

IAEA (1984) 'South Africa's Nuclear Capabilities' from IAEA website, October 1984 [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 September 2010]

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