Published date
15 October 1986
Lennox Sebe, leader of the Ciskei 'homeland' government, announces that in order to reach a settlement of dispute between his government and that of the Transkei 'homeland', he intends placing the matter before the International Court of Justice in the Hague. The Apartheid government originally created these Bantustan 'homelands' for Xhosa-speaking people based on racist and ethnic division of people.
The dispute was initiated by the prison escape of Charles Sebe and other senior military officers. The military officers were later reported to be held in Umtata, Transkei. The Ciskei government blamed the Transkei government for interfering in Ciskei internal matters calling its action "terrorism and abduction". Ciskei demanded their unconditional release.
Kruger, F. (1986). "Botha can't mend the 'Kei fences" Weekly Mail: 2(41).