Published date
22 May 1945
The South African Bureau of Standard (SABS) was established in terms of Act 24 of 1945. The Act was revised on several occasions and is currently effective as Act 29 of 1993. In terms of the Act, the SABS is controlled by a Council appointed by the Minister of Trade and Industry and is known as the Council of the South African Bureau of Standards. The main responsibility of the SABS is the development and publication of standards for products and services. Through cooperation of the SABS with other international organisations such as the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO), the International Electrochemical Commission and the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), South Africa's interests are advanced and protected.
In addition to its role as a standardiser, the SABS runs a product certification scheme, several quality system certification schemes and a consignment inspection service. It administers compulsory specifications on behalf of the State and provides testing and related services.
SABS, About, from South African Bureau of Standards, [online], Available at www.sabs.co.za [Accessed: 20 May 2014]|(2005). 'Pretoria 1855-2005: Chronologie 1798-1935', Bylaag tot Rekord.