Published date
19 August 1944
At the outbreak of World War II in 1939, the South African government was divided on the issue of participation. However, the vote to fight on the side of the Allied powers was won and South Africa declared war on Germany.
Approximately 135 000 white South Africans fought the Italians in North and East Africa, along with 70 000 black and coloured labourers. These soldiers were instrumental in defeating Benito Mussolini's troops in the East African Campaign of 1940-1941.
From 1941, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Infantry Divisions of South African troops fought in North Africa, including the Battle of El Alamein. On 19 August 1944, the 6th Division entered Florence, Italy and was active there until 1945.
Approximately 9 000 South African troops were killed during World War II.
prudential,'PRE-WORLD WAR II POLISH BUSINESS',[online],Available at www.prudential.co.uk[Accessed: 15 AUgust 2013]|
ltisdschools,(1939),'WORLD WAR II',[online],Available at www.ltisdschools.org[Accessed: 15 August 2013]|
britannica,‘South Africa - World War II ‘[online],Available at:www.britannica.com/[Accessed 15 August 2013]