29 December 1948
On 29 December 1948, a well known human rights activist Rev. Michael Guthrie Scott, who lived in South Africa, besieged the United Nations(UN) for justice regarding 30 000 Herero people who had had their land and rights taken away. Rev. Scott got sympathy from the U.N., but did not get any concrete action on behalf of the Herero. The Reverend was supported by an Indian delegation and the New York-based International League for the Rights of Man (now the International League for Human Rights). In the same year (1948) Rev. Scott was banned in South Africa and Namibia. Rev. Scott was not a stranger to the UN as he attempted on countless occasions to put pressure on the UN for Namibia’s independence from South Africa. In 1946 he participated in a passive resistance campaign by Indian protesters in Tobruk, Durban and was arrested and sentenced to three months imprison. The resistance campaign was against the Asian Land Tenure and the Indian Representation Act. After a long battle with cancer, Rev. Scott passed away in London on 14 September 1983.

ThePeopleHistory, (2011), ‘News and Events from December 29’, from The People History, [online], Available at www.thepeoplehistory.com [Accessed: 21 November 2011]|Sasman, C., (2009), ‘Michael Scott - a Man of Conscience (1907 to 1983)’, from All Africa.com, 06 November [online], Available at www.allafrica.com [Accessed: 21 November 2011]