Published date
This proclamation was made 15 years after the Group Areas Act was first introduced. According to this act, urban areas were to be divided into racially segregated zones where members of one specific race alone could live and work. Group areas were created for the exclusive ownership and occupation of a designated group. It further became a criminal offence for a member of one racial group to reside on or own land in an area set aside by proclamation for another race.
For the first time, it at least potentially extended compulsory general segregation to ‘Coloureds’; centralised control over racial segregation, effectively undermining municipal autonomy; laid the basis for long-range, wide-scale land allocation planning; opened the way to greatly expanded (though of course strictly segregated) public housing provision especially for the poorer sections of the urban population; provided for retroactive segregation; and massively interfered with concepts of property rights generally.
O’Malley, P. ‘1965’, from Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory and Dialog, [online], available at www.nelsonmandela.org.za (Accessed: 08 January 2013)|
South African History Online,‘The South African Government passes the Group Areas Act’, [online], available at www.sahistory.org.za (Accessed: 09 January 2013)