Published date
30 April 1976
Afrikaans as a medium for education was deeply unpopular since Afrikaans was regarded by some as the language of the oppressor. It was against this background that on 30 April 1976, students at Orlando West Junior School in Soweto went on strike and boycotted classes. The student protest by Orlando Junior Secondary was among many student protests that erupted in Soweto, preceding the June 16 Soweto uprising. The protests were the pupils’ expression against Afrikaans language as medium instruction being enforced. This was introduced in their schools by the apartheid government. The students drafted a memorandum to their principal whom they met with several times. Tirelessly they drew a letter to the regional director voicing out their views on the matter. In addition many other schools in the township protested against Afrikaans, as a medium of instruction.
Okwesili M. (2004), Good Over Evil, (Trafford Publishing), pp.111-112