Published date
20 February 1981
The homeland known as Ciskei, between the Fish and the Kei River, was created between 1961 and 1982 by the then Nationalist Party Government.. This was done as part of the Government's plan to further its programme of Apartheid by excluding the majority of Black South Africans from South Africa proper. The Bantustans would then function as labour reserves for white South Africa. It is estimated that over 300 000 people were forcibly removed to Ciskei between 1970 and 1982.
The establishment of the homelands also went hand in hand with a stricter enforcement of Pass laws. Ciskei was declared a self-governing territory in 1972. The Chief Minister of the time was Justice Mabandla. While Botha may have announced that Ciskei would be independent on the 4 of December 1981, in reality Ciskei only became 'independent' from South Africa in December 1982.
Peires J.B Ciskei in An Illustrated Dictionary of South African History (1994), Saunders.C.C,(ed), (Ibis Books: Sandton)