Published date
17 March 1992
On 17 March, 1992, President F.W. de Klerk announced the results of the Whites-only referendum held to determine White people’s support for the reform process he started in February 1990. Surprisingly, the majority of Afrikaans-speaking Whites gave their approval of the negotiations process. Analysts estimated that 62 per cent of the Afrikaans-speaking population as compared to 79 percent of English-speaking South Africans voted yes to the reform process.
With the result of 68.6 per cent in favour of the motion, De Klerk announced triumphantly that the people of South Africa were behind him, along with the African National Congress (ANC), the Democratic Party (now Democratic Alliance (DA)] and the National Party (NP). Those opposed to reforms were the Conservative Party (CP), Afrikaner Resistance Movement (AWB) and the Reformed National Party (HNP). Their message was simple: vote "no" to curb the advance of communism led by the South African Communist Party and the ANC in South Africa. Their argument was echoed by former South African President P.W. Botha.
The results of the referendum were hailed worldwide and signalled the end of Apartheid in South Africa. The Netherlands' Prime Minister Ruud Lubbers hailed it as beautiful, while President of Nigeria and chairman of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), Ibrahim Babangita sent his congratulations on behalf of the people of Africa.
Keesing's Record of World Events. News Digest for March 1992, P 38798.|Africa Media Online, ‘Whites-only referendum: 25 years ago’, [online], Available at www.africamediaonline.com [Accessed: 17 March 2014]|Refworld, (2004) ‘Chronology for Europeans in South Africa’, [online], Available at www.refworld.org [Accessed: 17 March 2014]