Published date
9 September 1873
Born in the Netherland, Pieter Wenning came to live in South Africa in 1905. Though he had settled in the Transvaal, he travelled all over South Africa and developed a special liking to the Cape; which became the subject of most of his paintings. In1916, Wenning moved to the Cape, became a full time painter and started working on his first solo exhibition.
Wenning’s bold impasto brush stroke style and the controlled and sensitive way that he used the colour palette led to him achieving master status in painting. Most of the farms and old buildings that are depicted in Wennings paintings are long since gone due to the area developing and modern structures being built, but people today can always get a glimpse of what it used to look like through his paintings.
Howse, M. C., 2009. ‘The extraordinary talent of Pieter Wenning is demonstrated in his painting of A Cape Homestead’[online] Available at www.swelco.co.za [Accessed 26 July 2011]
The-art-world.com, 2011. ‘Pieter Wenning - South African Artist From Art History’ [online] Available at www.the-art-world.com [Accessed 24 august 2011]