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Paul Kruger's house in Church Street West is declared a national monument

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Paul Kruger House on Helen Joseph Street in Pretoria used to be the official residence of then president of the Zuid Afrikaanse Republik (ZAR), Paul Kruger. The house is said to have been built with milk and cement instead of the usual water and cement mixture because the cement available at the time was considered to be of poor quality. The house, which Kruger shared with his second wife, Gezina, was declared a national monument on 6 April 1936. It is now a house museum and has preserved most of the original furniture, gifts that were presented to Kruger and other memorabilia.

SA Venues Kruger House Museum, Pretoria [online] Available at: [Accessed on 28 March 2013]|

South African History Online,Stephanus Johannes Kruger,from SAHO,[online],Available at [Accessed:3 April 2014]

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