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Paul Adams, former South African cricket player, is born

Published date

Last updated

20 January 1977
Paul Regan "Rhorho" Adams was born in Grassy Park, Cape Town. He began playing cricket at a very young age. Although he became famous as a bowler, as a young boy he had played as a batsman, until a teacher at Plumstead School steered him towards bowling. Adams had a very unusual way of bowling that people found to be strange and rather funny. It was this bowling style that made it hard for him to breakthrough in cricket initially. It was only when cricket player and Coach Eddie Barlow recognized his bowling talent that his career took off. Barlow helped place Adams in the Western Cape cricket team where he soon advanced from Western province B to Western Province A. In 1995 Adams played his first International match against England. Adams became the seventh South African to score 100 wickets in 2002. He retired from professional cricket in 2008

Biography.jrank,  ‘Paul Regan Adams Biography’, from Biography. Jrank, [online], Available at [Accessed: 7 December 2011]|Sports Pundit, ‘Paul Adams’, from Sports Pundit, [online], Available at [Accessed: 7 December 2011]

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