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Anon, (2006) 'Commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the Samora Machel Tragedy at Mbuzini, Mpumalanga' from South African Government Information, 20 September 2006 [online] Available at: www.info.gov.za [Accessed 28 September 2010]| Anon, (2006) 'The Foundation commemorates Samora Machel in Mbuzini' from the Nelson Mandela Foundation [online] Available at: www.nelsonmandela.org [Accessed 28 September 2010]| Anon, (2006) 'Joint Samora Machel commemoration activities to strengthen relations between South Africa and Mozambique' from South African Government Information, 5 October 2006 [online] Available at: www.info.gov.za [Accessed 28 September 2010]| Jordan, P. (2006) 'Speech of the Minister of Arts and Culture Opening of Mbuzini Community Library,from the Department Arts and Culture, 6 October 2006 [online] Available at: www.dac.gov.za [Accessed 28 September 2010]| Mbeki, T. (2006) 'Address of the President of South Africa, Thabo Mbeki, on the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the Death of Samora Machel, Mbuzini, Mpumalanga' from the Department of Foreign Affairs, 19 October 2006 [online] Available at: www.dfa.gov.za [Accessed 28 September 2010]