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Oupa Gqozo, the military leader of Ciskei foiled several coup attempts during his rule. In the early 1990's Colonel Onward Guzana, a former member of the Military Council, and Major-General Charles Sebe were killed after being suspected of planning a coup. According to Gqozo the plan had been monitored for three weeks. Gqozo accused the African National Congress (ANC), in particular Chris Hani of involvement in the attempt coup.
On 9 February 1991 Gqozo claimed to have quelled a second coup attempt with South African help. The South Africa's Department of Foreign Affairs confirmed his statement when it announced that 60 South African Defence Force (SADF) members were deployed to the Ciskei.
The alleged coup leader, Brigadier Andrew Jamangile of the Ciskei Defence Force (CDF), was arrested with other three senior officers. Gqozo again blamed the ANC, also including the Transkei government in his accusations of coup plotting. Both the ANC and Transkei government denied the allegations and Gqozo later apologised to Major General Bantu Holomisa, the ruler of Transkei.
SAHO, Oupa Joshua Gqozo, from South African History Online, [online], Available at www.sahistory.org.za [Accessed: 12 January 2013]