Published date
3 June 1946
SAHO Natal Indian Congress (NIC) [online] Available at:http: [Accessed on 3 June 2013]|
O'Malley 1946. Asiatic Land Tenure & [Indian] Representation Act No 28 [online] Available at: [Accessed on 3 June 2013]
Natal Indian Congress (NIC) led by Dr. G. M. Naicker, met in an emergency session in Durban and decided on a hartal on 13 June, which was designated "Resistance Day" to mark the beginning of Passive Resistance against the Ghetto Act or The Asiatic Land Tenure and Indian Representation Act no 28 of 1946, which was passed the previous day. Click here , to read E.S. Reddy's article on Indian Passive Resistance in South Africa from 1946-48.