Published date
11 February 2000
The Nelson Mandela Museum is a three component structure comprising of a museum in Mthatha, a visitors’ centre in Mvezo and a youth centre in Qunu, all in the Eastern Cape. The museum was opened by then President of South Africa, Nelson Mandela himself on 11 February 2000, exactly ten years since his release from prison.
Positioned in the area of his birth, the museum receives tourists from all over the globe. The Bhunga building in town usually holds exhibitions of Mandela memorabilia such as gifts the late statesman has received throughout his life. The Mvezo visitor’s centre situated at Mandela’s birth place offers visitors a glimpse into his early childhood. The Qunu Youth Centre, situated in the place where Mandela and his mother took refuge and where he grew up, gives visitors an experience of his school years and young adulthood.
The Nelson Mandela Museum, About the Nelson Mandela Museum, from The Nelson Mandela Museum, [online], Available at www.nelsonmandelamuseum.org.za [Accessed: 06 February 2014]|South Africa Nelson Mandela Museum, from South Africa Network, [online], Available at www.southafrica.net [Accessed: 06 February 2014]