Published date
25 June 1975
After a prolonged liberation struggle against Portuguese colonial rulers, Mozambique became independent as People's Republic of Mozambique. Mozambique was colonised by the Portuguese since 16 th century. The campaign for the liberation, which was launched in 1962, was spearheaded by the Liberation Front of Mozambique (FRELIMO) under the leadership of Eduardo Mondlane.
After the death of Mondlane in 1969, Samora Machel took over the reigns in FRELIMO until he delivered the country to independent in 1975. Machel established one-party state form of government.
Scaruffi A time-line of black Africa [online] Available at: www.scaruffi.com [Accessed on 25 June 2013]|
SAHO Mozambique [online] Available at: www.sahistory.org.za [Accessed on 25 June 2013]