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Monty Naicker dies

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Last updated

12 January 1978

Verwey, E.J. (ed)(1995). New Dictionary of South African Biography, v.1 , Pretoria: HSRC Publishers.| SAHO Dr Gagathura Mohambry (Monty) Naicker [online] Available at: [Accessed on 30 September 2013]

Gagathura Mohambry (Monty) Naicker, medical doctor and prominent politician, was born in Durban. Naicker played a crucial role in the history of South Africa and his name is well documented amongst the political icons of the liberation struggle in this country. As early as 1948, he called for a united front amongst the oppressed political organisations. He fought vigorously during the Defiance Campaign and was arrested for his role, although charges against him were later dropped. He also endured the wrath of the regime by several banning orders that were imposed on him. Naicker died, age 67, on 12 January 1978.
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