Published date
20 January 1981
O’Malley, P. ‘1981’, from Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory and Dialog, [online], available at [Accessed: 19 November 2012]|South African History Online, ‘Percy Qoboza’, [online], available at [Accessed: 21 November 2012]|The Presidency, ‘Percy Tseliso Peter Qoboza’, [online], available at [Accessed: 19 December 2013]
The Minister of Interior informed the Argus Printing and Publishing Company that if it applied for re-registration of the Post newspapers these would be banned because they had aimed at creating a revolutionary climate in South Africa. This decision was widely condemned. Percy Qoboza, who had resigned as editor of the Post papers on 13 January 1981 and left immediately for the United States, was quoted as saying in Washington; “in the light of the Minister's remarks it is difficult to see how a credible newspaper for blacks can ever be created in South Africa.”