Published date
12 March 1968
Mauritius was first colonised by the French in 1767 until the British took over control in 1810.The British gave up sovereignty in 1968 when the country became independent. Mauritius is a melting pot of different nationalities - descendents of Chinese, Indian, African and European immigrants and slaves all make up its diverse population.
The struggle for independence was marred with violence and tensions. Today the country is a prosperous democracy. It was proclaimed a republic in 1992.
Mongabay, "Mauritius History",From:Mongabay, [online] Available at: www.mongabay.com [Accessed on 21 February 2014]|About African History ,"A Brief History of Mauritius",From:About African History ,[online] Available at: africanhistory.about.com [Accessed on 21 February 2014]