Published date
19 May 1994
Malawi's first President Dr. Hastings Kamuzu Banda since independence from Britain in 1964 concedes defeat to Bakili Muluzi in the country's first multi-party election. With 30 years at the helm as Africa's longest ruling dictator, Kamuzu bowed gracefully and congratulated the incoming president wholeheartedly and hoping that he would be able to usher Malawi into a new era. Banda died in a hospital in South Africa in 1997, at the age of 101 and despite the controversy, which surrounded his rule, he was given a state funeral.
Mwenenguwe, R., Malawi: Political crisis in the midst of starvation, from Global Politician, [online], Available at www.globalpolitician.com [Accessed 21 May 2013]