Published date
24 December 1964
Macassar is a beach in False Bay, east of the Peninsula. The beach is named after Macassar in the former Dutch East Indies, where a nobleman named Sheik Yusuf hailed. He died in the Cape and was buried in the area. On 24 December 1964, the beach was proclaimed a coloured group area by the Group Areas Board. The beach is still a predominantly coloured area and is well known for its coastal dunes. The people of Macassar still largely work in the fishing and boat making industries.
South African History Online Macassar Beach [online] Available at: www.sahistory.org.za [Accessed on 20 November 2012]|
SA Venues Western Cape Destinations Macassar, Cape Helderberg [online] Available at: www.sa-venues.com [Accessed on 20 November 2012]