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The longest state of emergency in Kenya ends

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10 November 1959
The state of emergency in Kenya which had lasted from 1952-1959, probably the longest in the history of Kenya, came to an end. The state of emergency was declared by the governor of Kenya, Sir EvelynBaring, due to the Mau Mau rebellion against British colonial rule and incarceration of thousands of Kenyans. This rebellion took place almost exclusively in the highlands of central Kenya among the Kikuyu tribe. Tens of thousands of Kikuyu died in the fighting and in  detention camps and restricted villages. 

Boddy-Evans, A. ‘This Day in African History: 13 November’, [online], available at (accessed: 11 October 2013)|

Blair, D. (2013) ‘Analysis: Compensation may be right this time - but Mau Mau waged a brutal civil war’, from The Telegraph, 5 June, [online], available at (accessed: 11 October 2013)|

Republic of Kenya, ‘A Brief History on Kenya’, [online], available at (accessed: 11 October 2013)|

Global Edge, ‘Kenya: History’, [online], available at (accessed: 11 October 2013)

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