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Lesotho celebrates independence from Britain

Flag of Lesotho

Published date

Last updated

4 October 1966
Lesotho is one of the smallest countries in the world, with just over 30 000 km2 of land.  It has a population of approximately two million. The country gained its independence from Britain on 4 October 1966. The day has become known as Lesotho’s National Day and is celebrated yearly. Lesotho is the only country in the world that entirely lies above 1000 metres in elevation. It is also unique in being one of a few countries that are completely surrounded by another country. The Lesotho government is a constitutional monarchy. 

Infoplease Lesotho[online] Available[Accessed on 13 September 2013]|

Africa Lesotho Its people, issues and history[online] Available at:[Accessed on 13 September 2013]

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