Published date
31 August 1984
KaNgwane is among the 10 homelands that were created to rid South Africa of its Black citizens; this was carried out in terms of the Bantustan policy. The policy assigned every Black South African to a 'homeland' according to their ethnic identity.
KaNgwane was the homeland of the Swazi people living in South Africa. It was situated along the border with Swaziland, and its capital was at Louieville. Kangwane was granted self-governance on 31 August 1984. In 1994 it was reintegrated into South Africa, like the other nine homelands, and it became part of the Mpumalanga Province.
Howcroft, P. (unpublished encyclopaedia, part of SAHO archive)|SAHO, ‘The Homelands’, from South African History Online, [online], Available at www.sahistory.org.za [Accessed: 20 August 2014]