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The Johannesburg International Airport is officially renamed OR Tambo International Airport by President Mbeki.

Published date

Last updated

27 October 2006
OR Tambo Airport is South Africa’s main airport for domestic and international flights. It is Located in Kempton Park, Ekurhuleni, just outside Johannesburg. It is Africa’s busiest Airport with the capacity to handle up to 28 million passengers annually. It is named after political activist Oliver Reginald Tambo on 27 October 2006 by President Thabo Mbeki. The airport was previously known as Johannesburg International airport and before that as Jan Smuts Airport after the former Prime Minister. The renaming garnered some controversy since the government had previously decided to no longer name airports after politicians.

South Africa Info OR Tambo International Airport [online] Available at: [Accessed on 24 Septemberr 2013]|

Gauteng OR Tambo International Airport [online] Available [Accessed on 24 September 2013

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