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Jeremy Cronin and British couple are sentenced in the Cape Town Supreme Court

Published date

Last updated

29 September 1976

South African History Online, ‘Jeremy Cronin’, [online], available at (Accessed: 03 September 2013)|

O’Malley, P. ‘1976’, from Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory, [online], available at (Accessed: 03 September 2013)

In the Cape Town Supreme Court a British journalist, David Rabkin, his wife and a South African lecturer, Jeremy Cronin, were sentenced to ten, one, and seven years' imprisonment respectively. They were charged under the Terrorism and Internal Security Acts to which they had pleaded guilty. The three had advocated violence leading to insurrection. Since Mrs. Rabkin was expecting a baby, the court suspended eleven months of her twelve-month sentence and she returned to Britain with her new born daughter in October. 
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