Published date
7 April 1886
Jan Carel Juta was a South African business man born in Holland in 1824. He sailed to the Cape in South Africa in 1853 where he soon established the company that has come to be known as the father of all publishing companies - JC Juta &Co.
The Juta Company won the right to supply reference books to the University of the Cape of Good Hope in the 1850’s. The company is still a leader in the publication of education materials and textbooks to this day. Juta died on 7 (some sources claim 8)April 1886 in Chiswick, London. He was married to philosopher, Karl Marx’s sister Louise and they had seven children.
Juta Law, Juta Juta and Company, from Juta Juta and Company Ltd., [online], Avaialble at www.jutalaw.co.za [Accessed: 28 March 2013]|Rootsweb, Jan Carel Juta, from ancestry.com, [online], Available at freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com [Accessed: 28 March 2013]