Published date
2 April 1904
German forces under Major Von Glasenapp are defeated by Herero people near Okaharui, German West Africa (now Namibia). Herero men in the Okaharui ambushed German forces killing 32 and wounding 17 German troops. Von Glasenapp's forces were also suffering from typhus, rendering them ineffective. After a month his forces were withdrawn from active duty. This battle marked Herero resistance against expanding German colonial rule and land grab. The Herero people are pastoral people who store cattle as wealth. Since colonial rule their numbers have shrunk as a result of diseases and wars with other Namibian societies and German troops. Loss of grazing land destroyed most of their cattle stock and forced others to migrate to Botswana.
Foot print travel guides, The 1904-1907 German-Namibian War,[online],Available at, [Accessed: 1 April 2014]