26 February 2000
On 26 February 2000, it is reported that Cyclone Eline, which struck the Southern African countries of South Africa, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Mozambique was continuing to ravage the areas with heavy rains.  The heavy rains, which started on 21 February 2000, continued for months, flooding large agricultural areas and homes. Thirty three people were reported dead in Zimbabwe and twenty nine in Limpopo. South Africa was once again ravaged by heavy floods in early 2011, leading to fears of a repeat of the disaster 11 years earlier. The floods, however, turned out to be less severe and caused less devastation.

Storm Chasing February 2000 - Tropical Cyclone Eline [online] Available at: www.stormchasing.co.za [Accessed on 15 February 2013]|

The Zimbabwean Cyclone Eline: the scars remain a decade later [online] Available at: www.thezimbabwean.co.uk [Accessed on 15 November 2013]