Published date
13 March 2004
Dullah Mohamed Omar was born in Observatory, Cape Town on 26 May 1934 and grew up in District Six. After matriculation he enrolled at the University of Cape Town for a BA LLB degree and later became a lawyer, taking on political trials. He joined the United Democratic Front (UDF) in 1983, which led to him being closely watched by the Apartheid government.
In the period nearing Nelson Mandela’s release from prison, Omar was his spokesperson. Omar was the first Minister of Justice of the new South Africa and was later appointed Minister of Transport by President Thabo Mbeki. He died of cancer on 13 March 2004 and is survived by his wife and three children.
SAHO Dullah Mohamed Omar [online] Available at:
www.sahistory.org.za [Accessed on 12 March 2013]|
News 24 Biography of Dullah Omar [online] Available at: www.news24.com [Accessed on 12 March 2013]