29 August 1987
The Federation of South African Women (FEDSAW) was one of the women’s rights organisations that emerged in the 1950s and conducted a massive campaign against apartheid laws, the pass laws in particular. FEDSAW was multi racial and consisted mainly of women. On 29 August 1987 FEDSAW‘s new branch was launched in the Western Cape. Leading women in the South African struggle were honoured at the launch. Breaking restrictions placed on naming and honouring various people the launch nevertheless honoured amongst others Ray Alexander Simons, Hilda Bernstein, Lillian Ngoyi, Frances Baard, Helen Joseph, Dorothy Nyembe, Amina Cachalia and Albertina Sisulu. Organisations such as the African National Congress Women's League (ANCWL) and the women's branch of the South African Congress of Democrats (COD) were also honoured. 

University of the Witwatersrand (WITS), ‘Inventory: AD1137 Records of The Federation of South African Women’, from WITS Historical Papers, [online], Available at www.historicalpapers.wits.ac.za [Accessed: 18 August 2014]|FEDSAW, ‘Federation of South African Women (FEDSAW) Western Cape Region launched on 29 August 1987’, from South Africa: Overcoming apartheid Building Democracy, [online], Available at overcomingapartheid.msu.edu [Accessed: 18 August 2014]