9 October 2015
"politely requesting to take in water freely & to buy some refreshing from the burghers & especially for their sick, [blank] in number, to be allowed to be lodged by one of our burghers ... which was politely granted ..." [Journal] "... through the Blessing of the Almighty we had a faire view of the Land ... as we stood in we kept our lead working & Gradually shoaled our water to 25 fath ouze, at which tyme we had sight of Pinguin Island [Robben Island], which is a loe Isle & hath 2 flagg staues to spread their Colours if they discry more then one saile ... Then we kept directly with the Peaked hill that makes like a Sugar loafe [the Lion Mountain - Lion's Head & Signal Hill], & from thence hath its name deriued, upon whose top is likewise a flagg staff & a peece of Ordnance ... after we anchored saluted the Fort with 5 guns. When mored we were Employed the remaining pte of the day in sending on shoare our sick men, 20 of which ware hoysted out in Cradles, one dyed per the way in going ashoare ... most of the rest ready to Expire, but per the strength of Cordialls reviued ...

William Pearse - Manuscript in collection of Sir Hans Sloane, 1st Baronet, PRS (16 April 1660-11 January 1753), British Museum