Published date
15 December 1920
Though he was the younger brother of Hassan al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, Gamal al-Banna was a liberal scholar and a critic of the Muslim traditional narrative. Al-Banna held a rationalist interpretation of Islam, believing that Muslims should be encouraged to have a more autonomous relationship with their religion.
Al-Gama’s controversial views often caused friction between him and the government. He often argued that that the principles of Islam had been distorted and made authoritarian by power hungry religious leaders. He also firmly believed that women and men are equals and thus should be afforded the same rights in and outside of the religion. Al-Banna died in early 2013.
Halawa O., (2011), Gamal al-Banna: No to civil state with Islamic reference, from Egypt Independant, 16 May [online], Available at www.egyptindependent.com [Accessed: 25 October 2013]|Mayton, J., (2013), Tributes to Egypt’s secular dissident brother, Gamal Al-Banna, from siawi, 02 February [online], Available at www.siawi.org [Accessed: 25 October 2013]