Published date
11 May 1984
South Africa's longest serving White political prisoner, David Kitson, was released, seven months short of completing his twenty-year sentence for sabotage. Kitson, an engineer by profession, was sentenced in December 1964 for his part in the early sabotage campaigns; for furthering the aims of 'communism'; and, for being a member of the High Command of uMkhonto weSizwe (MK). He was fifty-nine years old when he was sentenced and divorced his wife when he was imprisoned, to give her back her freedom. John Matthews was sentenced to fifteen years in the same trial as Kitson. It was alleged that he had assisted in obtaining materials for making bombs, but it was never disclosed exactly what he had done to deserve such a long sentence. He had grounds for appealing against his sentence but refused to do so, claiming that he was proud to be sentenced along with his co-accused.
SAHO, Ian David Kitson, from South African History Online, [online], Available at sahistory.org.za [Accessed: 08 May 2015]