Published date
5 November 1908
The Cullinan diamond was cut into two big stones, The Star of Africa and the Cullinan 2, as well as seven fairly big stones and ninety-six small stones. The cutting of the diamond was a major event. It took experts about three months to decide on how to cut it and what shape to give the finished gems. The Cullinan diamond ultimately yielded 9 major stones, 96 brilliant cut diamonds, and 9.50 carats of unpolished pieces. The largest stone cut from the Cullinan, the 530.20-carat Star of Africa, was set into the British royal sceptre. The other gems from the Cullinan eventually became part of other jewellery belonging to the royal family.
Wallis, F. (2000). Nuusdagboek: feite en fratse oor 1000 jaar, Kaapstad: Human & Rousseau.|Cullinan Diamonds Heritage [online] Available at: www.cullinandiamonds.co.za [Accessed on 5 November 2013]